When a Newsletter is Called a Blog


First off, I proudly stand upon my promise to you when you signed up for this newsletter that, "I would not send you a lot of unnecessary emails and stuff."  I hope you have noticed how well that promise is being kept.  Haven't sent out so much as a scrap in these past four months.

This page used to be called the 'Blog' page on this website.  As of right now, I've asked Monica to change it to Newsletter.  I hope she does.  She knows how and is good at that sort of thing.  Me?  Not a chance that I wouldn't mess that up.  You'll know right off if Monica has made the change: The Home page will say 'Newsletter' where it formerly proclaimed, 'Blog'.  Not that you would or should care.

Having now brought you up to speed on the important IT functions of this site, we're bringing in the bigger news items below.

What's happened since last Newsletter (April 11th, 2016)?

Longshot Into Darkness by Keith R. Baker


In that last newsletter, I stated that Longshot #3 had an elusive working title.  That's changed.  The title is now fixed and the cover is finished for the Kindle version.  I think Monica outdid herself, especially given how little info she's received from me in doing the design.  As a reward for your faithfulness, subscribers here can now see what is referred to as a cover reveal.  I really hope you like it!  You may also recall being told in that last letter that Book #3 would open in a mining camp.  That's still technically true, but not entirely accurate.  The first page of LONGSHOT FROM DARKNESS takes place on a battlefield, in an entirely different part of the country in one of the States of the United States.  It opens in 1863, and I promise you'll recognize some of the places and some of the names, just as in the earlier books of the series.  Others that you don't recognize are just as real; it's just that you may not have learned of them previously.  This third book in the series has presented me a few unexpected challenges that I hope will translate to making it the best of the three when completed.  No, I can't say when it will be finished.  But I do promise you that I am working diligently and daily toward that end.

Also, in case you are interested, LONGSHOT IN MISSOURI, (the first book in the series), achieved #1 ranking in the Entire Amazon Kindle Store for two days, June 22nd and 23rd!  We're all pretty jazzed about that around here, and I have to say that Monica had more to do with it than did the writing effort.  Marketing, (as an independently published author), is what makes the difference.  With over 500,000 active independent authors around writing our fool heads off, it's easy to get lost in the crowd.  And that doesn't even take into account all the books pouring forth from the traditional huge publishing companies and their massive stables of authors.  So a big THANK YOU to YOU, my reader(s) for making that first huge milestone possible.  I am more grateful than mere words can convey.

In case you were not aware, LONGSHOT IN MISSOURI is already available as an Audiobook.  Monica is attaching a link to the free sample clip as well as to where you can find it on Amazon.  A.W. Miller is a superbly talented and experienced voice actor and narrates the book in such a way that, when I listen to it, I am caught up anew with the characters–all of them.  He manages to capture the essence of each character with their voices and accents.  Mr. Miller is a Theater coach and teacher as well as an accomplished actor and writer in his own right.  It is no wonder that he is known as the "man of 500 voices"–he really delivers all the characters extremely well.  We are so fortunate to have him narrating the LONGSHOT series.  A.W. Miller is presently producing LONGSHOT INTO THE WEST in the Audiobook format.  I cannot wait to hear it!


Monica Haynes is a talented book cover designer and personal assistant who provides marketing and design work for authors.  If you or someone you know is needing such help, you can contact her here:  info@thethatchery.com or visit her website here: www.thethatchery.com.  There is no one more competent, nor easier to work with and no one more efficient with her time and mine. Period.


Despite the great advice I regularly receive from more experienced authors, publishers, Personal Assistants, my wife, friends, relatives and all ... I read every review my work receives.  EVERY SINGLE ONE!  And most of them multiple times.  I don't get involved in arguments with those who critically rate or review my work, but there are many times I'd like to do so.  You know, the folks who say in their review that they loved the book and then rate it THREE STARS!!!!!!   Amazon star ratings have meanings that have been assigned.  Three stars is a NEGATIVE rating on Amazon's scale of 1 to 5.  How can folks read entire books and then not bother to read the three words alongside their rating choice?  Then there was the person who "loved" the first book in the series while rating it FOUR STARS and (same person) rated the second book FIVE STARS while commenting that (in his opinion), "it was not as good as the first book."  What's an author to think?  My real quest in this paragraph is this: If you like my work and have signed up for this newsletter, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give it an honest rating on Amazon.  It REALLY IS THAT important.  And if you have already reviewed my book(s) there, THANK YOU!  I LOVE YOU!  Especially if you gave it a great rating and wrote a great review.  YES I SAID LOVE!!  LOVE YOU!! Man or woman!  Doesn't matter to me, I'm Bi-Polar.


I've just entered the stage of life where I am officially closer to the beginning of my 8th decade than my 7th.  You might think about that for a minute to make certain you are counting your decades correctly.  As a result of the insane number of hours my aging eyes are focused on computer, or tablet, or smart phone screens while writing and researching, I've developed an annoying condition know as, "dry-eye syndrome".  Some of you likely have it.  The "gamer's glasses" I'm now wearing to mitigate the problem are ridiculous to behold.  Perhaps I'll one day post a photo of myself, thus accessorized and typing away furiously.  Don't hold your breath.

A new office chair arrived yesterday to support my ever-increasing writing effort*. (You'll figure that out, too, if you give it a second)  I must say that, so far, it is a superior delight in every way over its three predecessors.  I go through office chairs like some of my neighbors change pick-up trucks.

*In English the word 'butt' is actually an acronym for this italicized phrase.  I know the letters don't quite line up, but I think the guy behind it may have been speaking a Welsh dialect.  At least, he was probably wishing that he had been ...

And with that important and informative last bit of information, I'll leave you alone again for a while.  Comments and reviews are always welcome.  We wither here without 'em.



P. S. LONGSHOT INTO THE WEST is on SALE for a very limited time. Pick up your Kindle copy for only $0.99 and please, spread the word.

News from Longshot

News from Longshot || KeithRBaker.com


Book #3 of this series, (whose working title remains elusive and has changed a few times), is currently in its third re-write.  The first attempt at getting the story down failed seven chapters in. This was a result of trying to follow some well-intended advice to shift the voice (story-telling perspective) to the first person; in other words to write as though the character(s) were telling it.  Thus, 'He eased back his shoulder' would become 'I eased back my shoulder', etc. This just did not work out for me or Rob, (or any of the other characters for that matter).

So, I attempted to edit those first seven chapters of that draft to put it into the usual voice that I write from.  That turned out to be a disaster, as it took all the "freshness" away from the action and dialogue as they were first written.  After about three and one half chapters of re-writing, I couldn't take it anymore.  I scrapped that original manuscript and the re-write.  Label this one, Effort Number One.  

Between Effort Number One and Effort Number Two, the keyboard operator was downed with a case of serious bronchitis for two weeks.  I hate when that happens, but so long as I recover, I figure things could always have been worse.

The second attempt was to start over anew with a very similar plot and story line, and only a few new twists, etc.  My keyboard and its operator fiddled and faddled with that approach for over a month before it, too, was abandoned.  We no longer had enough connection with what was left of it to continue.  And, the keyboard needed a new perspective.  Label this one, Effort Number Two.  

The keyboard and its operator found a happy medium: Why not create an AudioBook of Longshot In Missouri  (Longshot book #1)? The idea seemed to resonate with us, so the keyboard and I set about learning how such a project would be accomplished.  Voîla!  We received a couple of high-quality auditions from several professional actors and selected the one whose performed most delighted the listener's ear.  His name is Aaron W. Miller and in addition to being an author and actor himself, he works as a theater director for a local high school.  The man is very talented–I love hearing the voices and accents he brings to his performance, as well as the dramatic emotion he imparts.  I'm hopeful you will also enjoy it.  As of this week, the first chapter of Longshot In Missouri is complete in AudioBook form.  We will continue to carry this project forward with a target completion date being the first part of June.  Meanwhile, working on this Audiobook project was just the break that Keith's keyboard and brain seemed to need.*whew*

So now the two of them, (keyboard and brain), are just musing right along as Longshot #3 write's itself without others getting in the way.  This is Effort Number Three and we are all, (Rob, keyboard, and Keith), determined that "the third time will be the charm!"  And because it has taken me longer than my writing plan for 2016 called for, I'll share just a couple of things for those of you faithful enough to subscribe.  Longshot #3 opens in a gold-mining camp; Rob becomes a grandfather; a circus is involved somehow along the way; Rob has another child (or is that two?); not everyone nor everything is as they seem; treasures are where you find them.  Let's go looking!


We're giving away free downloads of the Kindle version of Longshot Into The West (book #2 of the series) today, April 11 and tomorrow, April 12th.  But THAT is NOT ALL.  Five other authors are also having free Amazon Kindle Book downloads right along with me.  And you can find all of their books by clicking here.  Authors spend a great deal of time, energy, and money to give away books to readers–it is how we advertise!  So please! Download the free books we make available, read them, review them.  Encourage friends and family to do likewise.  We thank you for reading, reviewing and sharing our work!


For those who may be interested:

Part 2 of "An Irish Woman's Joy" is nearing release.  Ssubscriber's will be able to download this Kindle version book for free.  When it is completed, it is my plan to release the combined Parts 1 & 2 as a Novella or Novelette under the title: Bridget's Story. It will be a prequel to the Longshot series, though it can be read anytime along the reader's journey without loss of content.

Okay, okay.  I know that not every one is a fan of non-fiction, (other than cookbooks, of course).  But my first non-fiction book, The Beginner's Guide To Your First Handgun, has received enough interest that I am working on a follow-up to it titled: Why The Youth Model 20–Gauge Shotgun Should Be In Your Home.  If you have reasons why you believe it shouldn't, that's fine, but no need to argue about it.  Keep those to yourself and we'll continue to get along just great.

... and then there's the Science Fiction thingee ...  There!  I've done it!  It's out there!  No more secrets between us.  In those times of thinking about plots and characters and scenes and such, I sometimes retreat to my formerly secret, Science Fiction Novel.  Its working title is: EL - 4, but that's all I'm sayin'.  For now, at least.

Feel free to contact me via the Facebook page, or the website, or even my everyday email address at: ccconvert@yahoo.com .  In fact, I encourage it.

Thank you for reading,

~ Keith