Audio books — Newsletter — KEITH R. BAKER

Audio books

Do you like audio books?

As it has again been a while since last I wrote, (please recall I promised not to bother you unnecessarily), the time seemed right for another newsletter.

Yes, I am working on my current work-in-progress, and I am quite pleased with the process.  No, this is not an announcement of its availability.  But that day is coming and I am hopeful that it will be sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, there are a couple of things worth mentioning.  The first of these is to remind you that a limited number of FREE copies of audible LONGSHOT books are available by writing to us and asking for them.  Please ask by title and send your request by email to my assistant at this address: These will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis so write immediately.  Waiting won't help!

Second, thanks to all for the fine reviews this series has been receiving on Amazon!  Please remember that in Amazon language a 'Good' review is either 4 of 5 stars.  3 stars (or lower) equals a bad review, no matter how glowing your words of praise may be.

For those of you who already have a BookBub account enabling you to receive free and discounted Ebooks, THAT is the place to leave reviews!  You can leave a review in just a matter of seconds and it will help others find your favorite authors! Click here and then click follow for all my latest freebies, sales, and new releases.

If you haven't yet signed up for BookBub, please do so here:  It costs you nothing and can save you lots of money in your reading budget.

Thank you for your continued following and support.  I am now off to rejoin Rob Finn in his quest for justice in the American and Canadian West of 1870.  I plan to share the story soon, so stay tuned.
