
Springing Right Along...

Howdy again from Montana, Dear Reader:

Longshot Series Boxed Set Available on

Longshot Series Boxed Set Available on

No, it is not really spring yet, at least not here in Northwest Montana.  This is the best (read: coldest, snowiest, blusteriest) Winter here of the latest twenty or more, according to long-time residents.  Since I never wear socks anyways, I don't always pay close attention to the weather-related goings on of this planet.

This month's newsletter announces the release of the Kindle Edition LONGSHOT Series Boxed Set.  The entire set has been professionally re-formatted with a comprehensive and functional Table of Contents to help you navigate around in the four included volumes (one novelette and three novels).  The set is attractively priced at $7.99 which is a 30% savings over purchasing the individual titles.  And it can be shared with friends or family on other devices!

LONGSHOT FROM DARKNESS (the third book in the series) was released about 60 days ago, and has not yet been promoted separately.  If you've already acquired and enjoyed the other books in the series, you may wish to take advantage of the upcoming promotion for it occurring on March 22, via BookBub and perhaps a few others, on which date it will be FREE to download from Amazon.  Please forward this email and links to reading friends/relatives, neighbors, etc.  Personally, I believe LONGSHOT FROM DARKNESS is the best book of this series.  It is my continued intention to improve the quality of each book I write over those preceding it.  We'll see how that turns out.

We have several writing works-in-progress. Two are historical fiction novels, one is a science-fiction/fantasy novel, and the fourth is so secret that even I am not yet certain to which genre it belongs.  A couple of characters from the LONGSHOT Series may appear in one or both of the historical fiction novels in important roles.  I'll attempt to keep you updated as any of these potential gems approach completion.  Mostly this paragraph is included here to reassure any who are wondering that I have not yet expired.  Mark Twain put it this way in his emailed newsletter: "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."  That man knew how handle truth!

Your kind remarks and comments are always appreciated on Facebook and other social media.  They are absolute life-savers on Amazon and Goodreads, and I thank you for them in advance.

Wishing you continued good reading and all that stuff,


Happiness is Where You Find It

Happiness is Where You find It || Keith R. Baker Blog

Dear Reader (for dear you are),

My hope is that you all had a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year celebration that included family and friends.

Here we are in the second full week of 2016 already, so it seemed time to do a little updating.

First, allow me to share a few obligatory lines with you about the plight of authors the world over, specifically including my own.

Many claim that there is "no time like the present" to be an author, and this is true in many, many ways.  But because that is so, there has never been a time when so many authors and their books surged into being at the same time.  This condition creates many problems of its own, including survival of the author(s) who brings their work to the attention of the largest audience.

Thus, we write, (in addition to our books), all these other such things as blogs, FaceBook pages, newsletters and websites, all in the hope of growing our list of devoted readers.  In this regard, YOUR help is needed.  You see, I can only reach YOU.  I need YOU to reach others.  So do please Forward and Share and Retweet and talk with your reading friends and relatives - I need the business.

To that end, let me help you to help me.  I've written a short story, (some call them Chapter Books), which is an adjunct to the Longshot Series.  This first one is titled, An Irish Woman's Joy, and introduces Rob Finn and his wife Bridget in the beginning of their relationship more than ten years before the beginnings of Longshot In Missouri takes place.  Like I said, it is a short story, meant to be read in one sitting.  It is available FREE as a PDF or Mobi download in exchange for the simple act of signing up for the mailing list there.  My promise to you is that I will never sell your name nor will I bombard you with sales, etc.  I will send out occasional announcements and occasional FREE STUFF to those on that mailing list.  You don't need to BUY anything to get the FREE STUFF, you just need to make certain your name is on the list.  

Is there a catch?  Don't be silly.  Of course there's a catch.  The FREE STUFF, including this first short story, will normally ONLY be available to those of you who have shown the good judgement of subscribing there.  Since I'm already writing the second part to An Irish Woman's Joy, you might want to sign up right now, while you're thinking about it.  Here's the link: Please be sure to forward to your reading friends and family.

More good news!  Rob will definitely be heading West again and soon!  Unfinished business in the Montana Gold Fields and with Henry Plummer and his Indian friends demand it.  I sure hope you plan to be along for the adventure.  People so often turn out to be different than what we've been told ...

~ Keith