If It's Free, It Must Be Worth Something, Right?

Howdy from Montana, dear reader.

Me again, just in time to notify you of an opportunity, (two actually), to get FREE STUFF from yours truly.  And then there's this other announcement about the second audiobook, and you can get that for FREE as well, if you are willing to agree to review it honestly.  So THREE then!  Yes, THREE opportunities to get FREE STUFF.  But please don't delay.  Act upon this as soon as you read it because, once the FREE STUFF is gone, IT'S GONE.

Details of the eBook giveaway:

Monica (my assistant) insists that we keep things simple enough that even I could follow the instructions, so here goes:


This link that you are reading right now, will take you to the Amazon Giveaway for LONGSHOT IN MISSOURI. Each subscriber who clicks that link has a 1 in 50 chance (or better) of winning a free download.  If you haven't yet read the first novel in this series, this is your chance to score a FREE COPY.  Hurry.  This one expires on or before November 8th.


In about three weeks, several Historical Fiction authors will each be offering one or more books for download either for FREE or at substantial discounts. That special promotion will take place in November from the 11th thru the 13th. Feel free to subscribe here for other multi author giveaways and special offers or just wait for the email I'll be sending out on the first day of that promotion. Please share this promotion with your friends who like to read, especially those who read Historical Fiction.

Longshot Into the West by Keith R. Baker in audiobook


LONGSHOT INTO THE WEST (Longshot series book #2)  has now been produced as an audiobook.  The narration is again done by the talented voice actor A.W. Miller.  If you are willing to leave an honest review after listening to the audible book (digital format), kindly send an email requesting a copy and stating your willingness to write a brief, honest review in exchange for receiving a free copy.  We'll review the requests and draw up to 15 lucky rabbits outta that hat ... 

> Dateline Montana –––––  THIS JUST IN:  FOURTH FREEBIE!!!!!

More Books in Historical Fiction, Historical Romance, or Historical Fantasy will be included in this InstaFreebie PUSH from November 17th thru the 20th.  Watch your email box for a chance to discover free reading material in one of your favorite genres!  Sign up at InstaFreebie.com to receive free eBooks (any format) in the genres of your choice.  The fun just never ends for readers in this genre.

Exciting stuff, eh?  

~ Keith

Special Announcement to Readers: When It Rains

Hello again.  It's me and I suspect I'm more surprised to be writing this today than you are at receiving it.  But that's just speculation on my part.  You go right ahead and be as surprised as you like.  You're receiving it as an email.  Be careful what you hope for in your email inbox.  Surprises there may just take your breath away–at least momentarily.

So my incoming email today had a couple surprises.  The first of these was smallish, but important nonetheless.  It turns out I've been ignoring your emails sent to my website.  Some were from old friends; others were from readers.  I wasn't meaning to ignore anyone.  Just a matter of my not realizing what email address was linked to which service, etc.  Thankfully, that seems to now be sorted out.  Thanks to Monica, whom you may remember from the last newsletter. Now if you write to me via the Contact button on the website, there is a good chance I'll see your message and respond.

The bigger surprise email came from none other than KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).  You know, that arm of Amazon that sells all the books online?  They've informed us that they've chosen one (or more) of our titles to be featured in their October 2016 month-long event called: Celebrating Great Writing.

I don't know about you, but that one fairly knocked my socks off.  Among other suggestions they offered, was that we immediately crank out a newsletter (some call it a blog, but I really hate that term and don't do this sort of thing often enough to legitimately refer to it as a 'blog).  So this announcement was born no more than a few hours after receiving the Amazon email from KDP.  I don't even know which title(s) nor what day said feature will occur.  But let me put it like this: When KDP talks, authors listen.

Also among the suggestions from the mother ship of KDP was that those authors selected should write up a few words and blurbs for sharing on social media and the like, covering aspects of why we "love" being "indie" authors.  I've provided the quotes to reflect that those terms were the choice of the KDP Team, not yours truly.  But here goes:

I was labelled a 'Messy' during my years in Grade School, (where I was once awarded a poster titled, "Melissa Messydesk"), and frequently since, I must tell you that it has never bothered me to place a sign in my office that reads, "A neat, uncluttered desk is the sign of a sick mind", thereby putting all visitors on notice.  I try hard not to be overbearing with them as they snivel and whine in the presence of my obviously superior mental health.  Some have even attempted to elevate their own comparative healthy state by straightening what appears before their astonished eyes. (I find a quick rap to the knuckles accompanied by growling and an occasional bark to be effective in curtailing such rude and errant behavior.)  

Anyhow, back to answering the question at hand: 
What are some of the things you love about being an independently published author?  Not having to deal with the insecurities of others regarding such things as order in the universe.  I have enough important issues of my own to attend to without such distractions as those.  This recent picture of my writing desk should suffice to underscore the importance of this matter. 

Those of you who follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter may be delighted to learn that we will be sharing more insights of the joyous life of indie publishing throughout the month of October.  Then again, you may not.  Either way, there is every likelihood that you'll see more mentions of this program in the upcoming weeks.  Maybe some pictures, a video short or two.  Who knows?  Pay attention to find out.  You'll see this hashtag with most of them: 
#PoweredByIndie and will be able to see the featured books and authors during this month at this special page on Amazon: www.amazon.com/poweredbyindie

I consider it an honor to be selected for this program and cannot thank you loyal readers enough.

PS: Be careful the names (or posters) you sling at youngsters.  Not only may they remember, they may grow up to be authors and sling a few back.