NEW BOOK RELEASED (and serious discounts on 199 books!)

Greetings of cheer in this New Year from northwestern Montana!  It is snowier and colder than most winters here which is good, as it will kill off most of the wimpier bacteria normally hanging around from year-to-year.  There are going to be some really robust microbes floating around this neck of the woods for a couple of years.  They won't have their usual competition for human hosts.  Should make for an interesting tourist season or two...

DATELINE, RONAN, MONTANA December 31, 2016: The third novel of the LONGSHOT series is completed and this newsletter is the announcement of its official release!  The Kindle version of LONGSHOT FROM DARKNESS is available for download from Amazon as of January 12, 2017 at the introductory price of $2.99 for two weeks before increasing to its regular price of $3.99 on January 25. Best get it right away, before you forget.  Time flies and there goes your savings!  The paperback edition should be available shortly.

Getting this book finished took longer than anticipated, for which I apologize.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   LONGSHOT FROM DARKNESS is much more complex than the first two, and we wrap up a lot of government and Pinkerton business in this one.  The lives of some important characters and the main families from the earlier books of the series are forever changed.  As always, real history, people, and happenings are woven into the fabric of the novel in my attempt to bring you a more enjoyable read. I'm optimistic that the story will make the wait worthwhile.  There is also a bonus link after the end of the story which will give you some interesting documents to look at including maps, articles and research sites.

The Go Big or Go Home Book Promotion is offering 199 ebooks at the sale price of $0.99 each.  LONGSHOT IN MISSOURI is among those being offered at this reduced price in this promotion, in case you've not yet read that first novel of the LONGSHOT series.  Many other reads are available, so this is an opportunity to stock up and save a few bucks, worth the look.  This promotion is one day only on many, if not all, of these books–TODAY!  Don't miss out.

Thanks, again.  Until next time,

~ Keith

Historical Fiction Giveaway and Bargain Books

Historical Fiction Giveaway & Bargain Books

Dear reader:

I promised to remind you of this promotional opportunity.  The links below will take you to the pages where you can access books by several writers of Historical Fiction.  Some of the books are free, some are deeply discounted.  Either way, this is a limited opportunity to expand your library and sample the work of authors you may not have yet tried.  This ends Sunday, so don't wait! 
